Our links:


Some Favorite Links:

Probably Mattias absolute favorite webcomic... a furry comic about an retired adventurer and his friends, an absolute must!

A comic about videogaming and two cats that play them or enact them, quite funny! ^_^

Evrybody loves Aplle & MacIntosh, sometimes we just have to dig deep down to find the feeling

A comic based upon characters in the world of Everquest ™, good story and a laugh éven for people not familiar with the game

What really happens in Final Fantasy behind the scenes in excellent 8-bit graphics. Hilarious comedy with the sprites we all love

The first webcomic I came across, forcefeeded by dad, and I was lost (more than ever) Lub ya Woody! A MMO gaming comic

Good fantasy webcomic, well drawn as well as a good story

A Science Fiction webcomic, cheap shots at Star Wars if nothing else...

Fantasy, a comic about a girl jester, Maytag and her friend Bernadette

An adorable furcomic, also a MUST to read!

One of my many, many, many, many, many manyyyyyyy favorite comics about gaming

this site and all material related is © 2006 by Mattias Banck Second hand Adventures is hosted by Comicgenesis, a free hosting service for webcomics